Avoid these common housekeeping hazards!
Housekeeping isn’t just cleaning. It is constantly doing and redoing things to keep a place absolutely spec-free. Housekeeping staff is always on duty, be it in malls, supermarkets, educational institutions, IT companies or the hospitality industries. Housekeeping isn’t cleaning up an occasional mess; it is making sure that nothing creates a mess.
Tasks like cleaning up leftovers, organizing a mess or carrying out routine sanitary chores may seem mundane. But to keep things spotless, professional cleaners endure endless hazards. Some of these may even prove fatal! Most of us may have come across industrial cleaner related incidents that have caused serious casualties or deaths. The risks they knowingly or unknowingly get exposed to can be avoided.
Accidental exposure to biological hazards arising from bacteria, fungi and molds are a major concern. Even when cleaned regularly, microbial growth may result due to failure of thorough disinfection.
Health issues like itchy eyes, rashes, burns and respiratory conditions are most commonly found in professional cleaners, who are forced to compromise on healthy working conditions on a daily basis.
Industrial cleaning chemicals are known to be the root cause of most of these problems. Strong acids cause burns when they splatter. Harmful fumes from concentrated chemicals may lead to eye and skin irritation, respiratory problems, dizziness, nausea and more. Ammonia, bleaches and other strong ingredients, corrosive drain cleaners, strong degreasers, aerosol sprays, waxing and polishing products may trigger asthma or other breathing-related issues.
Protective gear such as gloves, masks, eye cover, sleeve protectors, aprons and so on, depending on the nature of the cleaning job, are a must for the professional cleaners. Training them to dilute, apply and dispose chemicals safely would also help reduce housekeeping accidents.
Using weaker acids, polymer-coated cleaning chemicals and surfactants that have a strong disinfecting action in place of corrosive, fuming chemicals would go a long way in making the working conditions safer. Chemicals that do not need much mechanical effort, like rough scrubbing,would not only preserve surfaces but also prevent muscular strain and prolonged exposure to chemicals. Multitasking chemicals that clean, shine and polish at once would also cut down the exposure.
Grenove Services Pvt. Ltd. supplies safe, polymer-coated, eco-friendly industrial cleaning chemicals by HMI, Bulgaria in India and the middle-east. We cater to the sanitation needs of the hospitality industry, health care industry, food industry, water treatment, factories and more. To make your professional space safe, get in touch with us for consultation, safe industrial cleaning chemicals and training of
your staff for safe usage. Reduce chemical exposure hazards in your professional space!